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The next Oklahoma Mission of Mercy will be held in Tulsa on February 7 & 8, 2025 at the

Exchange Center at Expo Square.

NEW THIS YEAR: Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces receive early entry

The Oklahoma Mission of Mercy will give priority entry status to 50 U.S. veterans this year in Tulsa.

Volunteers will pre-screen up to 50 veterans beginning at 3:00 pm after the clinic is set up on Thursday, February 6.

Veterans may arrive early that day and line up outside the Exchange Center at Expo Square. Signage will direct them to the correct entrance.


Each veteran must present his/her DD214 or appropriate identification ID card to prove that he/she is a U.S. veteran. The veteran can present any one of the following to prove veteran status:

  • Department of Defense Identification Card

  • Veteran Health Identification Card

  • Veteran Identification Card

  • Veteran’s identification on a state-issued identification card

  • DD214 (discharge papers) and photo identification


Each veteran will receive a numbered ticket on Thursday after they are pre-screened, which must be presented to enter the clinic Friday, February 7. Without the ticket, they may have to re-do the registration, screening and triage.


Services on Thursday for veterans include:

  • Registration

  • Medical Triage

  • Dental Triage

  • X-Rays

On Friday, pre-screened veterans will return and line up at the West Entrance of the Exchange Center. The door will be open at 7:00 am on Friday for the veterans, and it will close at 7:30 am. To receive priority entry, veterans must return during this 30-minute window. Volunteers will monitor the door and ensure patients are appropriately escorted.

Email with questions!

Event Details

Location: Exchange Center at Expo Square

4145 E 21st St,
Tulsa, OK 74114

Parking is free, but we encourage ride sharing, as parking may be somewhat limited.

Clinic Dates: Friday, February 7 and Saturday, February 8, 2025

Doors open at 5:30 am 

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