After Care Instructions
Numbness: Could last up to 8 hours. You need to only drink liquids until the numbness wears off. Be careful not to bite your tongue, lips or the insides of your cheeks. You may be sore in the area that the injection was given. Over the counter pain medication will help alleviate that soreness, if needed.
Diet & Care of Mouth: For silver fillings, soft diet for 24 hours. For tooth-colored fillings, you can eat a normal diet after the numbness wears off. You may experience some sensitivity following placement of a filling. If it worsens or is severe, please call the After Care Phone Line.
Bleeding: Some bleeding and oozing is to be expected. Normal bleeding can last up to 8 hours, with oozing up to 24 hours. Bite on a gauze pack over the extraction area for one hour, then change the pack every 30 minutes until the bleeding stops. Keep your head elevated and relax in a semi-reclined position. If you have heavy bleeding or are bleeding for longer than 24 hours, please call the After Care Phone Line.
Swelling: Some swelling is to be expected. You may apply ice packs wrapped in a towel to the outside of the jaw, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, for the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, moist warm packs will decrease swelling. Most swelling will occur on the second or third day.
Discomfort: Some discomfort is to be expected. If you have been given a prescription for pain, please take as needed and as directed. Do not take pain medicine on an empty stomach. Over-the-counter pain medicine may be used if a prescription was not needed.
Numbness: Could last up to 8 hours. Only drink room temperature liquids until the numbness wears off. Be careful not to bite your tongue, lips, or the insides of your cheeks while your mouth is numb.
Diet & Care of Mouth: A soft or liquid diet is best for the first and second days after surgery. Avoid drinking through a straw or spitting. Do not drink carbonated beverages (soda) or alcoholic beverages for 48 hours. Do not drink alcoholic beverages while taking pain medications. You may brush after 24 hours.
Smoking: Do not smoke for 72 hours following your surgery. This will allow the blood to clot properly.
Post-Operative Conditions: A sore jaw, swelling, muscle tightness and/or sore throat are all normal after oral surgery. If any of these persist for longer than a week, please call the after-care phone line. Normal activities may be resumed as you feel up to it. It is normal for activities to be disrupted for a few days.
Instrucciones Después de los Procedimientos
Para Rellenos (Empastes):
Si anestesia fue administrada durante su visita: Puede que este adormesido en sus labios y/o boca y esto puede durar 1-8 horas. Solamente tome liquidos de temperatura ambiente durante ese tiempo. Tenga cuidado de no morderse sus labios, lengua, o adentro de su cachete.
Puede que tenga dolor en la area donde le pusieron la anestesia. Si es necesario, medicamento sin receta puede ayudar con el dolor.
Dieta y cuidado bucal:
Para rellenos (empastes) plateados de amalgama, recomendamos comidas suaves por las primeras 24 horas. Para rellenos (empastes) blancos o color de diente, puede comer normal despues de que se le quite la anestesia. Es possible tener sensibilidad por 2-3 semanas despues de la aplicacion de en relleno (empaste). Si la sensibilidad empeora o es severa, por favor llame a la linea telefonica de atencion postoperaria.
Para extracciones:
Puede que sangre en poca cantidad for las primeras 24 horas. Y esto es normal.
El sangrado puede ser controlado colocando gasa y poniendo presion sobre la area(s) por 30-45 minutos cada vez hasta que pare. Mantenga su cabeza elevada y relajada en posicion semi reclinada.
Si el sangrado es severo o persiste mas de 24 horas, por favor llame a la linea de atencion postoperatoria.
Si tiene inflamacion despues de la cirugia, puede que la inflamacion vaya disminuir usando una bolsa de hielo y envuelva en una toalla y pongala afuera de su cachete, en la area de extraccion(es); esto se debe aplicar continuamente durante 20 minutos y removiendola por otros 20 minutos durante las primeras 24 horas. Despues de las 24 horas, use una toalla humeda que este caliente y esto puede disminuir la inflamacion. La mayoria de la inflamacion ocurre el segundo o tercer dia despues de su extraccion(es).
2025 After Care Phone Number:
(918) 884-7340
Please leave a message and someone will call you back.
La linea telefonica de atencion postoperaria:
(918) 884-7340
Por favor deja un mensaje y alguien te devolverá la llamada.